Zucchini 'Lebanese'

Lebanese zucchini is a heirloom variety that produces short, pale green, tender fruit. Superb flavour that is sweeter than larger dark green varieties. High yields. 15 seeds per packet.
Zucchini 'Lebanese'
Zucchini 'Lebanese'
Price Per Packet: $ 2.50

Growing Advice

Scientific Name: Cucurbita pepo

Common Name: Lebanese Zucchini

Family: Cucurbitaceae

Culinary Uses:

Produces high yields of short, pale green-grey zucchini fruit which are tender and more sweet than larger, full-sized varieties.  This is one of the better zucchini varieties for eating raw but can also be briefly steamed to retain maximum nutrition.

Growing Tips:

Lebanese zucchini fruits best when planted in a full sun location, if grown in warmer climates plants may be less heat stressed when grown in a lightly shaded position instead.  Zucchini plants require a rich soil to thrive and will grow quickly if the soil is high in organic matter and nutrients.  If your soil is lacking in organic matter place down a layer of compost or well-rotted manure prior to sowing or planting.  Apply a top dressing of a complete organic fertiliser if plants shown signs of a nutrient deficiency at any time during growth.  If young zucchini fruits turn yellow, rot and drop instead of developing there's likely a problem with pollination, you may need to hand pollinate your zucchini flowers.  To hand pollinate take a male flower, these are the ones which don't have a immature fruit below them, remove the petals and rub the pollen-filled anthers onto the stigma of the female flowers.  Powdery mildew is a fungal disease that can be a problematic for zucchini plants, it often attacks at the end of the growing season when plants are almost finished producing but can also attack young plants prematurely.  Remove any leaves with powdery mildew from young plants to help slow its spread.  Try not to wet the leaves when watering and mulch around plants to prevent splash-back from the soil which can transmit the powdery mildew spores.  Pick zucchini fruits when young for best flavour and to encourage further fruit production.

When to Sow:

In cold and mountainous regions of Australia sow lebanese zucchini seeds from mid Spring to early Summer.  In temperate regions of Australia sow lebanese zucchini seeds from early Spring to mid Summer.  In frost-free subtropical areas of Australia sow lebanese zucchini seeds from mid Winter all the way through to early Autumn.  In tropical areas of Australia sow lebanese Zucchini seeds from early Autumn to mid Spring.

How to Sow:

Sow lebanese zucchini seeds 2cm deep spacing plants about 60cm apart to allow them room to grow and facilitate airflow between plants which will help prevent fungal diseases.

Germination Time:

Lebanese zucchini seeds are quick to germinate, taking between 7 and 13 days to emerge under most growing conditions.

Time to Harvest:

Lebanese zucchini bushes takes between and 8 and 10 weeks to start producing fruit.