Chilacayote Squash

Large pumpkin-like vine that produces white-speckled, green fruits that are best eaten young like squash. Young, leafy green shoots can also be eaten. Fruits can be left to mature at which point the seeds can be harvested and eaten like pepitas. 5 large seeds per packet.
Chilacayote Squash
Chilacayote Squash
Price Per Packet: $ 2.50

Growing Advice

Image by Hans B. (CC BY-SA 3.0).

Scientific Name: Cucurbita ficifolia

Common Names: Chilacayote Squash, Fig-Leaf Gourd, Malabar Gourd, Black Seed Squash, Siam Pumpkin, Cidra, Chiverre, Thai Marrow, Shark Fin Melon, Pie Melon