Chilli 'Poblano'

Poblano is a popular mild chilli variety, smokey and fruity in flavour. Dried, ripe Poblano peppers are called Ancho peppers. 11-12 weeks to harvest. Each packet contains approximately 15 seeds.
Chilli 'Poblano'
Chilli 'Poblano'
Price Per Packet: $ 2.50

Growing Advice

Scientific Name: Capsicum annuum 

Common Names: Chilli 'Poblano', Chilli 'Ancho' when dried

Family: Solanaceae

Origin: Poblano chillis originate from the state of Puebla in Mexico.

Culinary Uses:  

Poblano is about as low in heat as a chilli can get, about 1000 to 1500 SHU on the Scoville scale.  They're great raw in salads or sandwiches.  Traditionally they are also often stuffed with fillings and roasted or dried and added to sauces.  Can be used when milder and green or when ripe and dark red.

Growing Tips:

Stake chilli plants to provide extra support for the fruits and prevent them from toppling over.  Pinch out shoot tips to encourage bushier plants with more fruits.  Keep well watered and fertilise regularly.  

How To Sow:

Sow poblano chilli seed 6mm deep spacing plants about 45cm apart to allow room for growth.  Choose a planting site in light shade or full sun.

When To Sow:

In temperate regions of Australia sow from September to November.  In the tropics and subtropics sow all year around.

Germination Time:

Chilli 'Poblano' takes between 12 and 24 days to germinate from sowing.

Time To Harvest:

Your first poblano chillis will be ready to harvest between 11 and 12 weeks after sowing.


Poblano Chillis Growing On The Bush

Poblano chillis growing on the bush with a photobomb from a green pyrgomorph grasshopper.