Beetroot 'Detroit'

Detroit is a dark red beetroot with a rich, delicious flavour. A traditional favourite of home gardeners for many years. Takes 9 to 10 week to maturity. Each packet contains 50 seeds.
Beetroot Detroit
Beetroot Detroit
Price Per Packet: $ 2.50

Growing Advice

Scientific Name: Beta vulgaris

Common Names: Beetroot 'Detroit', Beetroot 'Detroit Dark Red'

Family: Amaranthaceae


This open-pollinated heirloom beetroot variety was bred in Detroit and first made available to the public in 1892. 

Culinary Uses

Detroit beetroot can be boiled and sliced or cubed for use in sandwiches and salads, or cut into wedges and roasted.  Detroit beetroot can also be eaten raw and is nice when grated in salads.  Chunks of raw beetroot can also be juiced in a juicer to add a healthy dose of vitamins, colour and sweetness to juice mixes.  Beetroot leaves don't need to be wasted, they can be used as a delicious cooked green vegetable.

Growing Tips

What we think of as a beetroot seed is actually a little dried fruit consisting of multiple seeds, this is why more than one seedling will germinate from most beetroot seeds planted.  Thin these seedlings to the strongest individual a week after germination.  Soak seed clusters in lukewarm water for a few hours prior to sowing can help beetroot seeds to germinate more consistently.  Sow a few beetroot seed each week throughout the growing season to ensure a continuous harvest.  Keep beetroots well watered or their cores will become hard and woody.  Mound soil over any part of the beetroot that becomes exposed to prevent the tops from discolouration and becoming spongy in texture.  Incorporate lots of compost, organic fertiliser and well-rotted manure into beds prior to sowing beetroot.

When To Sow

In colder regions of Australia sow Detroit beetroot from September to April, in temperate regions sow from July to April, in the subtropics sow any time of the year and in tropical regions sow from March to June.

How To Sow

Sow Detroit beetroot seed 2cm deep spacing plants about 10cm apart.  Choose a planting site that receives full sun or light shade.

Germination Time

Beetroot 'Detroit' takes between 8 and 10 days to germinate from seed.

Harvest Time

Beetroot 'Detroit' is an early variety, beets will be ready to harvest in as little as 9 to 10 weeks.